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Utility methods for doing logical operations on sets of segments
Version: 8cbd1b7187ce3ed9a825d6ed11cc432f3cfde9a5
Date: 2017-12-05 15:29:36 +0000
Author: Larne Pekowsky <lppekows@physics.syr.edu>
__package__ =
Performs an operation (intersect or union) across a set of files. That is, given a set of files each with segment definers DMT-FLAG1, DMT-FLAG2 etc the result is a file where DMT-FLAG1 = (file 1's DMT-FLAG1 operation file 2's DMT-FLAG1 operation ...) DMT-FLAG2 = (file 1's DMT-FLAG2 operation file 2's DMT-FLAG2 operation ...) etc |
Performs an operation (intersect or union) across a set of segments. That is, given a set of files each with segment definers DMT-FLAG1, DMT-FLAG2 etc and a list of segments DMT-FLAG1,DMT-FLAG1 this returns RESULT = (table 1's DMT-FLAG1 union table 2's DMT-FLAG1 union ...) operation (table 1's DMT-FLAG2 union table 2's DMT-FLAG2 union ...) operation etc |
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