Package glue :: Module pipeline :: Class DeepCopyableConfigParser
[hide private]
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Class DeepCopyableConfigParser

source code

ConfigParser.RawConfigParser --+        
       ConfigParser.ConfigParser --+    
       ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser --+

The standard SafeConfigParser no longer supports deepcopy() as of python 2.7 (see This subclass restores that functionality.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__deepcopy__(self, memo) source code

Inherited from ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser: set

Inherited from ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser (private): _interpolate, _interpolate_some

Inherited from ConfigParser.ConfigParser: get, items

Inherited from ConfigParser.ConfigParser (private): _interpolation_replace

Inherited from ConfigParser.RawConfigParser: __init__, add_section, defaults, getboolean, getfloat, getint, has_option, has_section, options, optionxform, read, readfp, remove_option, remove_section, sections, write

Inherited from ConfigParser.RawConfigParser (private): _get, _read

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser (private): _interpvar_re

Inherited from ConfigParser.ConfigParser (private): _KEYCRE

Inherited from ConfigParser.RawConfigParser: OPTCRE, OPTCRE_NV, SECTCRE

Inherited from ConfigParser.RawConfigParser (private): _boolean_states