Package glue :: Package ligolw :: Module table :: Class Table
[hide private]
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Class Table

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     object --+            
 ligolw.Element --+        
ligolw.EmptyElement --+    
           ligolw.Table --+
             object --+   |
                      |   |
                   list --+
Known Subclasses:

High-level Table element that knows about its columns and rows.

Nested Classes [hide private]
Helpful parent class for row objects.
Instance Methods [hide private]
new empty list
__init__(self, *args)
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Called during parsing to indicate that the last Column child element has been added.
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Called during parsing to indicate that the last row has been added.
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Used for validation during parsing, and additional book-keeping.
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_verifyChildren(self, i)
Used for validation during parsing, and additional book-keeping.
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appendColumn(self, name)
Append a Column element named "name" to the table.
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appendRow(self, *args, **kwargs)
Create and append a new row to this table, then return it
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applyKeyMapping(self, mapping)
Used as the second half of the key reassignment algorithm.
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Construct and return a new Table document subtree whose structure is the same as this table, that is it has the same columns etc..
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Method invoked by document parser when it encounters the end-of-element event.
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getColumnByName(self, name)
Retrieve and return the Column child element named name.
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removeChild(self, child)
Remove a child from this element.
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Determines the highest-numbered ID in this table, and sets the table's .next_id attribute to the next highest ID in sequence.
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Break internal references within the document tree rooted on this element to promote garbage collection.
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updateKeyMapping(self, mapping)
Used as the first half of the row key reassignment algorithm.
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Inherited from ligolw.EmptyElement: appendData

Inherited from ligolw.Element: appendChild, end_tag, getAttribute, getChildrenByAttributes, getElements, getElementsByTagName, hasAttribute, insertBefore, removeAttribute, replaceChild, setAttribute, start_tag, write

Inherited from list: __add__, __contains__, __delitem__, __delslice__, __eq__, __ge__, __getattribute__, __getitem__, __getslice__, __gt__, __iadd__, __imul__, __iter__, __le__, __len__, __lt__, __mul__, __ne__, __new__, __repr__, __reversed__, __rmul__, __setitem__, __setslice__, __sizeof__, append, count, extend, index, insert, pop, remove, reverse, sort

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]
CheckElement(cls, elem)
Return True if element is a Table element whose Name attribute matches the .tableName attribute of this class ; return False otherwise.
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CheckProperties(cls, tagname, attrs)
Return True if tagname and attrs are the XML tag name and element attributes, respectively, of a Table element whose Name attribute matches the .tableName attribute of this class; return False otherwise.
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getTablesByName(cls, elem, name)
Return a list of Table elements named name under elem.
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Returns the current value of the next_id class attribute, and increments the next_id class attribute by 1.
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get_table(cls, xmldoc)
Equivalent to the module-level function get_table(), but uses the .tableName attribute of this class to provide the name of the table to search for.
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If the current value of the next_id class attribute is not None then set it to 0, otherwise it is left unmodified.
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set_next_id(cls, id)
Sets the value of the next_id class attribute.
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Inherited from ligolw.Element: validattributes

Class Variables [hide private]
  constraints = None
  how_to_index = None
  interncolumns = None
  loadcolumns = None
  next_id = None
  validcolumns = None

Inherited from ligolw.Table: tagName, validchildren

Inherited from list: __hash__

Properties [hide private]
The "Name" attribute.

Inherited from ligolw.Table: Type

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

CheckElement(cls, elem)
Class Method

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Return True if element is a Table element whose Name attribute matches the .tableName attribute of this class ; return False otherwise. See also .CheckProperties().

CheckProperties(cls, tagname, attrs)
Class Method

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Return True if tagname and attrs are the XML tag name and element attributes, respectively, of a Table element whose Name attribute matches the .tableName attribute of this class; return False otherwise. The Table parent class does not provide a .tableName attribute, but sub-classes, especially those in, do provide a value for that attribute. See also .CheckElement()


>>> import lsctables
>>> lsctables.ProcessTable.CheckProperties(u"Table", {u"Name": u"process:table"})

__init__(self, *args)

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Returns: new empty list
Overrides: object.__init__


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Called during parsing to indicate that the last Column child element has been added. Subclasses can override this to perform any special action that should occur following the addition of the last Column element.


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Called during parsing to indicate that the last row has been added. Subclasses can override this to perform any special action that should occur following the addition of the last row.


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Used for validation during parsing, and additional book-keeping. For internal use only.

_verifyChildren(self, i)

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Used for validation during parsing, and additional book-keeping. For internal use only.

Overrides: ligolw.Element._verifyChildren

appendColumn(self, name)

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Append a Column element named "name" to the table. Returns the new child. Raises ValueError if the table already has a column by that name, and KeyError if the validcolumns attribute of this table does not contain an entry for a column by that name.

Note that the name string is assumed to be "pre-stripped", that is it is the significant portion of the elements Name attribute. The Column element's Name attribute will be constructed by pre-pending the stripped Table element's name and a colon.


>>> import lsctables
>>> process_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.ProcessTable, [])
>>> col = process_table.appendColumn("program")
>>> col.getAttribute("Name")
>>> col.Name

appendRow(self, *args, **kwargs)

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Create and append a new row to this table, then return it

All positional and keyword arguments are passed to the RowType constructor for this table.

applyKeyMapping(self, mapping)

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Used as the second half of the key reassignment algorithm. Loops over each row in the table, replacing references to old row keys with the new values from the mapping.


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Construct and return a new Table document subtree whose structure is the same as this table, that is it has the same columns etc.. The rows are not copied. Note that a fair amount of metadata is shared between the original and new tables. In particular, a copy of the Table object itself is created (but with no rows), and copies of the child nodes are created. All other object references are shared between the two instances, such as the RowType attribute on the Table object.


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Method invoked by document parser when it encounters the end-of-element event.

Overrides: ligolw.Element.endElement
(inherited documentation)

getColumnByName(self, name)

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Retrieve and return the Column child element named name. The comparison is done using the stripped names. Raises KeyError if this table has no column by that name.


>>> import lsctables
>>> tbl = lsctables.New(lsctables.SnglInspiralTable)
>>> col = tbl.getColumnByName("mass1")

Class Method

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Returns the current value of the next_id class attribute, and increments the next_id class attribute by 1. Raises ValueError if the table does not have an ID generator associated with it.

get_table(cls, xmldoc)
Class Method

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Equivalent to the module-level function get_table(), but uses the .tableName attribute of this class to provide the name of the table to search for. The Table parent class does not provide a .tableName attribute, but sub-classes, especially those in, do provide a value for that attribute, and in those cases this class method provides a cleaner way to retrieve them.


>>> import ligolw
>>> import lsctables
>>> xmldoc = ligolw.Document()
>>> xmldoc.appendChild(ligolw.LIGO_LW()).appendChild(lsctables.New(lsctables.SnglInspiralTable))
>>> sngl_inspiral_table = lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.get_table(xmldoc)

removeChild(self, child)

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Remove a child from this element. The child element is returned, and it's parentNode element is reset.

Overrides: ligolw.Element.removeChild

Class Method

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If the current value of the next_id class attribute is not None then set it to 0, otherwise it is left unmodified.


>>> import lsctables
>>> for cls in lsctables.TableByName.values(): cls.reset_next_id()

set_next_id(cls, id)
Class Method

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Sets the value of the next_id class attribute. This is a convenience function to help prevent accidentally assigning a value to an instance attribute instead of the class attribute.


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Determines the highest-numbered ID in this table, and sets the table's .next_id attribute to the next highest ID in sequence. If the .next_id attribute is already set to a value greater than the highest value found, then it is left unmodified. The return value is the ID identified by this method. If the table's .next_id attribute is None, then this function is a no-op.

Note that tables of the same name typically share a common .next_id attribute (it is a class attribute, not an attribute of each instance) so that IDs can be generated that are unique across all tables in the document. Running sync_next_id() on all the tables in a document that are of the same type will have the effect of setting the ID to the next ID higher than any ID in any of those tables.


>>> import lsctables
>>> tbl = lsctables.New(lsctables.ProcessTable)
>>> print(tbl.sync_next_id())


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Break internal references within the document tree rooted on this element to promote garbage collection.

Overrides: ligolw.Element.unlink

updateKeyMapping(self, mapping)

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Used as the first half of the row key reassignment algorithm. Accepts a dictionary mapping old key --> new key. Iterates over the rows in this table, using the table's next_id attribute to assign a new ID to each row, recording the changes in the mapping. Returns the mapping. Raises ValueError if the table's next_id attribute is None.

Property Details [hide private]


The "Name" attribute.

Get Method:
Set Method:
unreachable.setter(self, value)
Delete Method: