tag=' img ' ,
| source code
Stuff that effects the whole document.
mode -- 'strict_html' for HTML 4.01 (default)
'html' alias for 'strict_html'
'loose_html' to allow some deprecated elements
'xml' to allow arbitrary elements
case -- 'lower' element names will be printed in lower case (default)
'upper' they will be printed in upper case
'given' element names will be printed as they are given
onetags -- list or tuple of valid elements with opening tags only
twotags -- list or tuple of valid elements with both opening and closing tags
these two keyword arguments may be used to select
the set of valid elements in 'xml' mode
invalid elements will raise appropriate exceptions
separator -- string to place between added elements, defaults to newline
class_ -- a class that will be added to every element if defined
- Overrides:
- (inherited documentation)